– Nicholson You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. Today I only wish that God showers blessings on you from above. I love you infinitely. I am so glad I get to spend this life with you. ” 6. Happy 2 years of togetherness my love! “Happy 2 months anniversary to us. “What’s better than two months with a sweet, loving, and beautiful person like you? Does that compare to heaven on earth? Happy 2-month anniversary to me and you. ” 1. If you’re looking for 2 month anniversary gifts for your boyfriend or girlfriend, it still remains true that you want to show them how much you care by giving them something special. They must be felt with the heart. Happy two months anniversary to us at such a beautiful time. You’ve totally turned last two months everything about it. “Thank you for making time for us to be together for the comfort of your arms and a. My love for you grows bigger, better, and greater. Our relationship is one of love and love. ” “I would say yes ten million times, because since we’re together, life is much better. 6 » You May Also Like Enjoy and celebrate the first month of being together. night to find suited for this anyone comparable to easier in the spent with you. The happiest men in the world are those who have wonderful partners. - Hellen Keller You make me want to be a better man. I have no regrets having you as a partner for the past two months. Try not to worry too much about it. I love you so much. $15. Happy 2 months anniversary. You are proof that love never left me empty-handed and I guess I’m proof that love rewarded you. Happy two months my place in hard task than you. “Happy 2 months anniversary to us. Congratulations to the lovely couple on their happy two-monthiversary. 1. 1. To a brilliant past, beautiful present and an amazing future. . – Audrey Hepburn The most beautiful things cannot be seen or touched. Congratulations, I am overjoyed to see your love. ” “Happy 2 month anniversary, my dearly beloved. I love you, you love me. Two Month Anniversary Wishes 1 2 3. 2 Months Down A Lifetime To Go Mug Check out these romantic 2nd-month anniversary quotes: The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. Gracious! Happy 2nd Anniversary Wishes Happy 2nd marriage anniversary to us. I have seen your innocent love, support, and sacrifice for me in the past two years and I realize that none can ever treat me like you. 5. It’s 60 days of being in love with you and I’m feeling like I’ve been in love for a lifetime. – Mr. We’ve compiled a list of 25 creative two month anniversary gift ideas for your loved one. Top 50 Happy 2 Month Anniversary Messages. May your next 60 years be full of glory! 2. For 60 days, we’ve been a great team. 2. Happy 2 month anniversary my love. I’ll love you forever. “Happy two months anniversary to us. I can’t believe two months have passed in such a hurry. I am glad to be your wife and can’t wait for the days to come. ” Happy 2 Month Anniversary Paragraph for Him or Her you and that my life around by creating a 10. 26+ Looking for cute 2-month. 1. 2 Months Down A Lifetime To Go Mug. Thanks for being with me on this journey.